New Electric Car Chargers in Sonoma

Electric cars are a popular new car choice in Sonoma Valley, according to City of Sonoma Sustainability Manager Travis Wagner. He pulled data for the Index-Tribune showing 579 electric vehicles sold to residents of Sonoma (zip 95476) as of April 2021).

“I believe this will make it even more appealing for locals to purchase an electric car as this kind of infrastructure and ready access to charging eliminates the ‘range anxiety’ barrier,” he said.

  • Sonoma Chargers

New electric car chargers in Sonoma are now live at the Community Center. Car owners are cheering the arrival of Sonoma Valley’s first supercharging stations,

“I’m delighted,” said Telsa owner Constance Grizell of Sonoma, who has watched fuel prices increase and said she feels great about not having to go to the gas station. “This should be an added impetus to those thinking of going electric – they are also so much fun to drive.”

There is currently one Tesla supercharging site in Santa Rosa, one in Petaluma, and two in Napa; now it is Sonoma’s turn.

Tesla representatives first reached out to city officials in 2020, who identified the Community Center parking lot as a potential location.

“We were having a hard time finding an appropriate place for Tesla to install a supercharging center on City property,” said City of Sonoma Sustainability Manager Travis Wagner. “We’re thankful the Community Center stepped up.”

Drive down East Napa Street and they are hard to miss. There is bright white and red Tesla signage adorning the eight high-speed chargers. Tesla paid for their installation and pays for the electricity used.

Tesla has also installed two universal L2 chargers are referred to as “top off chargers” and they are compatible with all electric cars, and free to use.“Tourism is a critical component of the city economy and we are served primarily by car here as there is little public transportation,” he said. “The charging center will support visitors as well as workers who commute to town from other locations.”

Read the full article at: Sonoma Index-Tribune

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